About Me

I love digital art. Currently an illustration student. Concept art is the dream.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Haven't posted in a while. This semester just was too hectic and stressful to maintain anything very well. I did draw a lot though so not a total loss.
I mostly posted any art on my tumblr these past few months.
Anyway..this was a sketch I did a few days ago. Pencil, nothing special..just working at improving on drawing men.

Saturday, October 5, 2013


I have not posted in a while. Mindlessly tumbling is not my thing...or blogging. It's fun, but I don't get into the habit of it..I usually can't sit still.

Decided i have not done landscape painting in a while...FINALLY found the brush i was looking for in photoshop...I have wayyyy too many personal brushes. It's always fun to try somethnig new...especially because i don't even know what I'm doing in the first place. The original image (very left) turned out to be a very boring subject matter...a tree. yep. I'm so creative.
So, I went ahead a messed around some more with experimenting..symmetrical is my latest gimmick.

Thursday, May 23, 2013


A gloomy coast. Spent 3 hours total on it...Had a few issues..initially I started out too small..so I blew it up and kept working on it. There was a brush with a canvas texture..which usually isn't so largely noticed until you expand your image..so now t looks like I was working on a canvas...not the biggest fan of that because it took away some of the detail and I think made the photo textures look a bit awkward..and I know 3h isn't much, but it's exhausting to go over your entire image over again..it may be photoshop, but that does not make it any easier..I still have no idea why some people ever considered digital painting 'easier'
...I'm happy with it though. A quick environment.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I suppose this one is taking longer because the pose of the hands was a pain...and after all that effort, quite a bit is covered up by strings/glowy things. And yes, I had known that from the start...but I figured I HAD to get that pose right. Rugged minimal detail clothes for the priestess of fate. I might not make her eyes glowing.

Monday, May 13, 2013

To Battle

Decided I had to keep up with making action poses...this time in an environment. A city in shambles during a war! I've been playing a lot of Skyrim now since I got the DLC. My next image I already planned out will be more futuristic though.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Warrior Elf

..just...keep...drawing...ah. Well, I can't complain. Also have been playing lots of Skyrim and recently got Reckoning from a friend for my birthday!! ..If anyone thinks I have repetitive or annoying with the 'I should draw more' I highly blame my prof for constantly every class saying how we should never stop drawing. I have nightmares if I don't draw D:< . School is traumatizing me subconsciously apparently by the looks of it. ..

...ANYWAY. This is a 4h character drawing. Golden elf warrior....originally, I had a whole colour scheme made up for the outfit, but then conformed to all one colour. It still worked out.

Monday, May 6, 2013


Did an alien theme. Experimenting... Each took 3h.
Had fun. Nothing special.